Veganska potica s čokoladnim nadevom
For all my English speaking readers, just scroll down, you will find recipe in English too.
Preden sem se prvič odločila speči potico sem kar nekaj časa oklevala. Zdelo se mi je neznansko zapleteno in prepričana sem bila, da bo šlo nekaj narobe in mi ne bo uspelo. Ker pa mi potem tisti moj ustvarjalni škrat ne da miru, se na koncu vedno majčkeno prisilim in rezultat je ponavadi prav presenetljiv. Potem postajam vedno bolj pogumna in preizkušam ideje eno za drugo.
Tako je nastala tudi ta potička. Preostali člani družine orehov ne marajo kaj preveč, kokosov nadev se jim zdi presuh (sama nima ne z zenim ne drugim nobenih težav :))) ) in ker jim želim ustreči sem razmišljala kako narediti čokoladni namaz, če ta pač ni pri roki. Pa sem gledala po polici ki se vedno šibi od vseh možnih sestavin in pogled se mi je ustavil pri Kashi Hrustljavi kakav. Uau, a ne bi bilo super, če bi z njo lahko nadevala potico?!
Uh, če to ni dobra ideja 🙂 Pa se ni zdela dobra samo meni, vsi so bili navdušeni nad njo, meni pa se je smejalo, ker veste kaj je največji užitek kadar nekaj skuhaš? Gledati ljudi kako uživajo ob tem kar si jim pripravil.
Sestavine, ki jih potrebujete za testo:
- 300 g pirine moke
- 50 g kokosovega olja
- 1/4 sveže kvasovke kocke
- noževa konica mlete kurkume
- 4 žlice kokosovega sladkorja
- ščep nerafinirane himalajske soli
- 1,5 dcl rastlinskega “mleka” – super je iz zemeljskih mandljev, link kako ga pripravite sami TUKAJ
Sestavine za čokoladni nadev:
- 200 g Kashe Hrustljavi kakav
- 1 dcl rastlinskega napitka (ovsenega, mandljevega, doma priprvaljenega napitka iz zemeljskih mandljev)
- 40 g kokosovega olja
- 3 žlice kokosovega sladkorja (ali po želji)
Najprej naredite kvasec. Odvzamete 3 žlice toplega mleka zemeljskih mandljev, 1 žlico kokosovega sladkorja in kvas, premešajte in postavite na toplo.
Za testo zmešajte suhe sestavine. V preostalem mleku stopite kokosovo olje. Ko je kvasec narejejen ga dodajte k suhim sestavinam in dodajte še stopljeno olje z mlekom.
Najprej premešajte z žlico, nato pa z rokami še na pomokani površini. Mesite vsaj 15 minut, malo telovadbe :)))
Vmeseno testo postavite v posodo, pokrijte s krpo in postavite na toplo, da vzhaja, za približno 2x velikost. Približno 1 uro ali celo dlje.
Med tem pripravite nadev. Kasho vmešajte v mleko, olje rastopite nad paro in ga primešajte h Kashi in mleku.
Ko je testo naraslo, ga zvaljajte na približno 3-4 mm debelo, podlago dobro pomokajte, da se testo ne prime na podlago. Premažite ga z namazom, en rob pustite, da boste potico lepo zaključili. Po premazu enakomerno posipajte še kokosov sladkor. Potico zvijte z občutkom čimbolj tesno in jo nato prenesite v s kokosovim oljem premazan pekač za potice in pustite vzhajati vsaj pol ure. Nato ga prepikajte in postavite v pečico najprej za 20 min na 200 stopinj in nato še 10 do 15 minut na 180 stopinj.
Potico pustite ohlajati približno 10 minut, nato jo zvrnite na podlago in počakajte, da se popolnoma ohladi preden jo razrežete.
To potičko sem morala speči dva dni zaporedoma, ker je prva zmanjkala v trenutku, drugo pa smo ponudili še prijatlejem, ki so prišli na obisk. Če bi se ponudila še tretji dan, bi jo lakho spekla še tistikrat, pa sem pomislila, da bo naslednjič še slajša, ker bo treba malček počakait na njo 😀
Dopolnjeno 04.04.2021
Letos sem namaz naredila iz kakavovega napitka, najdeš ga TUKAJ
Preprosto sem zmešala približno pol vsebne vrečke s petimi žlicami rastlinskega “mleka” in približno 40 g kokosovega olja (stopljenega) in testo premazala s tem nadevom 🙂 po želji ga lahko dosladkaš (kot sme naredila jaz :)) z datlji v prahu, ki jih najdeš TUKAJ.
Prirpavila Tina Teršek
Kakavov napitek z lucumo, drobTinka, 180 g6,06 € vklj. DDV
Bio datlji v prahu – naravno sladilo, drobTinka, 300 g4,87 € vklj. DDV
Ekološki kokosov sladkor, drobTinka, 400 g4,98 € vklj. DDV
Bio kaša iz zemeljskih mandljev in kakava, Kasha, drobTinka, 300 g4,91 € vklj. DDV
Presno ekološko kokosovo olje, drobTinka, 260 g5,09 € vklj. DDV
Nerafinirana himalajska mleta sol, drobTinka, 230 g1,99 € vklj. DDV
Vegan potica cake with chocolate filling
Before I decided to bake potica cake for the first time, I hesitated for quite some time. It seemed incredibly complicated to me and I was sure something was going to go wrong and I was not going to succeed. But because then that creative dwarf of mine doesn’t give me peace, in the end I always force myself a little and the result is usually quite surprising. Then I get more and more brave and test ideas one by one.
This is how this cute and delicious potica cake was created. The rest of the family doesn’t like walnut too much and then they find the coconut filling too dry, bytheway I don’t have any of this problems :)))) and because I want to make them happy, I was thinking about how to make a chocolate spread if it’s not at hand. I was looking at the shelf, which is always full of all possible ingredients, and my gaze stopped at Kasha Crispy Cocoa. Wow, wouldn’t it be great if I could stuff potica cake with it ?!
Uh, if that’s not a good idea 🙂 But it didn’t just seem good to me, everyone was excited about it, and I laughed because you know what the greatest pleasure is when you cook something? Watching people enjoy what you have prepared for them.
If you want, you ca do the same 🙂
So this is a delicious cake, soft, not to sweet, and with a perfect chocolate filling and it is a healthy choice of cake which goes perfectly with a coffee or plant based mylk. We just love it!
Ingredients you need for the dough:
300 g of spelt flour
50 g of coconut oil
1/4 fresh yeast cube
knife tip ground turmeric
4 tablespoons coconut sugar
a pinch of unrefined Himalayan salt
1.5 dcl of vegetable “milk” – it’s great from ground almonds, link how to prepare it yourself HERE
Ingredients for chocolate filling:
200 g Kashe Crispy cocoa
1 dcl of vegetable “milk”
40 g of coconut oil
3 tablespoons coconut sugar (or optional)
Make the yeast first. Take 3 tablespoons of warm rigernut “milk” (or any other plant based “milk”), 1 tablespoon of coconut sugar and yeast, stir and place in a warm place.
For the dough, mix the dry ingredients. Melt the coconut oil in the remaining milk. Once the yeast is done add it to the dry ingredients and add more melted butter with the milk.
Stir first with a spoon, then with your hands on a floured surface. Knead for at least 15 minutes, a little body workout :)))
Place the dough in a bowl, cover with a cloth and place in a warm place to rise, for about 2x the size. About 1 hour or even longer.
Meanwhile, prepare the filling. Stir the Kasha into the milk, melt the oil over the steam and mix it with the Kasha and the milk.
When the dough has risen, roll it out to about 3-4 mm thick, knead the base well so that the dough does not stick to the base. Coat it with spread, leaving one edge to finish the potica cake nicely. After the coating, sprinkle the coconut sugar evenly. Roll the potica as tightly as possible and then transfer it to a coconut oil coated potica pan and leave to rise for at least half an hour. Then toast it and place in the oven first for 20 minutes at 200 degrees and then for another 10 to 15 minutes at 180 degrees.
Leave the potica cake to cool for about 10 minutes, then turn it over on the base and wait for it to cool completely before cutting it.
I had to bake this pot for two days in a row because the first one ran out in an instant and we offered the second one to friends who came to visit. If she offered to make it on the third day, I could easily bake it again, but I thought it would be even sweeter next time, because it will have to wait for it for sometime : D
Fotografija/Photo: Tina Teršek
Recep/Recipe: Tina Teršek