
V košarici ni izdelkov.

Scones z inkovskimi jagodami

For English version of recipe scroll dawn 🙂

Scones je pecivo, ki spominja na biskvit in piškote obenem. Zaradi hrustljave skorje in mehke sredice se velikokrat znajde na mizi za zajtrk namesto kruha. Scones z inkovskimi jagodami je bolj zdrava oblika te sladice. Inkovske jagode ji dodajo antioksidativni aspekt, moka iz zemeljskih mandljev v biskvitu pa še dodatne vlaknine. Zakaj so inkovske jagode neverjetno živilo, ki bi ga moral vsak imeti doma, si lahko prebereš v tem članku (klikni tukaj). Nekaj več o zemeljskih mandljih pa na tej povezavi (klikni tukaj).


350 g moke

50 g moke iz zemeljskih mandljev

3 čž pecilnega praška

70 g kokosovega sladkorja ali datljev v prahu

1 čž lupinice bio pomaranče

5 kapljic vanilijine esence

ščep soli

80 g kokosove olje

200 ml ovsenega mleka

50 g inkovskih jagod

150 ml vrele vode

Marmelada po želji (najbolje marelična, jagodna ali malinina)


Suhe sestavine zmešaš v veliki skledi.

Inkovske jagode namočiš v vreli vodi za 10 minut, da se zmehčajo.

Suhim sestavinam dodaš kokosovo maščobo in pregneteš, da dobiš drobljenec.

Inkovske jagode vzameš iz vode. Mleko in vodo zmešaš in doliješ k drobljencu. Dobro zgneteš, da dobiš mehko, a vseeno čvrsto testo, ki spomnija na testo za piškote. Testo razdeliš na dva dela in oblikuješ dve krogli testa.

Eno kroglo testa postaviš na pomokano površino in jo razvaljaš v krog, debel za en prst. Ta krog namažeš z marmelado in posuješ z inkovskimi jagodami.

Drugo kroglo prav tako razvaljaš na pomokani površini, na isto debelino in velikost kot prejšnji krog. Previdno ga dvigneš in z njim pokriješ prvi krog testa. Robove rahlo pritisneš skupaj, da se nežno združijo.

Ta velik biskvit razrežeš na 8 kosov, kot pico ali torto. Kose previdno dvigneš in prestaviš na velik pekač, pokrit s papirjem za peko.

Scones pečeš na 180°C približno 20 minut.

Ko so pečeni, jih lahko preliješ s sladkornim prelivom (sladkor v prahu + limona), jim dodaš jogurt, posuješ s sladkorjem v prahu ali dodaš smetano.

Pripravila Vita iz Little Kitchen Vibes, bloggerka in fotografinja

Scones with Inca berries are a quick and delicious brunch option for rainy weekends. Use them as a snack or dinner, too!

Due to the crispy crust and soft core, it is often found on the breakfast table instead of bread. Scones with Inca berries is a healthier form of this dessert. Inca strawberries add an antioxidant aspect to it, and tigernut flour in the biscuit adds extra fiber. Why Inca berries are an amazing food that everyone should have at home, you can read in this article (click here). More about tigernuts at this link (click here).


  • 350 g flour all-purpose spelt
  • 50 g tigernut flour
  • 70 g coconut sugar  or dates powder
  • 3 tsp baking powder
  • pinch salt
  • ½ tsp orange zest bio orange
  • 5 drops vanilla essence
  • 100 g coconut oil
  • 50 g dried Inca berries
  • 200 ml hot oat milk
  • fruit jam raspberry, strawberry or apricot work best


1. Warm-up milk so it boils. Put Inca berries in so they soften.
2. Add all the dry ingredients to a large bowl and whisk them well.
3. Add coconut oil in hard form (room temperature) to the dry ingredients and mix it all together. Knead just enough to get a crumbly texture.
4. Now take Inca berries from milk and add milk to your crumble. Add vanilla essence, too. Knead gently so you get a soft ball of dough. It should be softer than the dough for cookies but should stick together and form a ball.
5. Divide your dough into halves. Gently form two balls. Be careful not to over-knead because you want your scones soft and fluffy. If you over-knead them you’ll destroy the fluff because baking powder starts working its magic immediately after it gets in contact with liquid.
6. Take one ball and roll it out on a floured surface. Make it about 1-1.5 cm thick. Spread the jam all over the surface. Don’t make it too thick, though.
7. Sprinkle soaked Inca berries all over the surface, making it equally distributed.
8. Now roll out the second half of the dough on a floured surface. Make it the same size as the first one. Then gently and carefully lift it up and place it over the first one, making a kind of a sandwich.
9. Gently squeeze the edges together, so they stick to each other. Cut this big circle into “pizza slices”. Cut it into triangles.
10. Place each of the 8 pieces on a big baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Leave some space between them as they will grow while baking.
11. Bake at 180°C for 20 minutes.
12. Serve with a heap of whipped soy or coconut cream, some ice cream, vanilla cream, or eat it just like that.


Prepared by Vita from Little Kitchen Vibes, blogger and photographer

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Tina Drobtinka
Tina Drobtinka

Tina drobTinka je ustvarjalka presnih sladic, avtorica številnih receptov, ustanoviteljica in idejni vodja blagovne znamke drobTinka in ljubiteljica narave in z njo povezanih bitij.

Objav: 173