Presna Swedish Princess torta z jagodami in marcipanom
For English version of the recipe scroll down 🙂
Te torte sem se lotila z manjšim “rešpektom”, ker se originalne izvedbe lotevajo vrhunski chefi, poleg tega pa nikoli nisem še delala tort, ki bi jih “oblekla” tako kot se to naredi z švedsko princesino torto ali v originalu Swedish Princess Cake. Na koncu pa moram dodati, da ni ničkaj bolj komplicirana prirpava kot za ostale presne torte, zato nikar ne pomisliti, da vam ne bi uspela 🙂
Kot sem rekla, sem kar nekaj časa odlašala z odločitvijo, da bi se lotila priprave te torte ampak in rojstni dan moža je bila odlična priložnost, da sem se končno dregnila, zavihala rokave in pripravavila torto, ki je oblečena v marcipanovo testo in je po okusu sodeč čista terna za mojega moža. Že sam je namignil, da bi bil zelo vesel, če bi končno spet naredila kakšno od mojih presnih tort, ki so, priznam, že nekaj časa na stranskem tiru.
In tako je nastopil idealen trenutek za pripravo te okusne in sočne torte.
Za smetano potrebujete:
- 1 pločevinka polnomastnega kokosovega mleka
- 1/4 vanilijevega stroka (sredice)
- 2 žlički temnega agavinega sirupa⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Za vanilijevo kremo potrebujete:
- 200 g indijskih oreščkov, ki jih morate namočiti v topli vodi za najmanj 1 uro, najboljše je čez noč
- 1/2 vanilijevega stroka (sredice)
- 4 žlice temnega agavinega sirupa (oziroma po okusu)
- noževo konico kurkume v prahu
- 1 žlico sveže iztisnjenega limoninega soka
- 100 g kokosovega olja, stopljenega nad paro
- ščep nerafinirane himalajske soli
- približno 1 dcl vode
Za jagodno marmelado, po želji lakho prirpavite tudi malinino, ki bo dala torti še bolj osvežujoč okus:
- 200 g jagod ali malin (lahko zamrznjenih, vendar jih pred uporabo odmrznite)
- 2 žlici chia semen ali 1 žlico psyliuma (indijskega tropotca)
- 1 žlička temnega agavinega sirupa
Za “biskvit” potrebujete:
- 100 g ovsenih kosmičev brez glutena
- 100 g mandljev
- 2 žlici temnega agavinega sirupa
- ščep nerafinirane himaljaske soli
- 1/4 vanilijevega stroka (sredica)
- žlička kokosovega olja
Za marcipan potrebujete:
- 200 g mandljev olupljenih, ali pa jih čez noč namočite in olupite in posupite sami. To naredite 1 dan pred pripravo torte oziroma toliko časa kot potrebujejo mandlji, da se posušijo.
- 50 g ribanega kokosa
- 2 žlički matche v prahu
- 1 žlička kopriv v prahu (po želji)
- 6 žlic temnega agavinega sirupa
- Torta se sestavlja od zgoraj navzdol, zato potebujete posodo v obliki kupole ali model za torto v obliki kupole. Obložite jo s plastično folijo za živila. Nato se lotite priprave smetane.
- Vzemite pločevinko ohlajene kokosove smetane in odlijte vodo, ki je ostala v pločevinki. Z električnim stepalnikom stepite smetano, da postane gladka in puhasta. Najbolje bo uspela, če posodo s smetano postavite v zamrzovalnik za 10 minut pred mešanjem tako se smetana ne bo prehitro stopila. Stepeno kokosovo smetano predevate v obloženo posodo, to bo prva plast torte.Vse skupaj postavite v zamrzovalnik in se lotite marmelade.
- Z vilico zmečjakte jagode ali maline in ji dodajte chia semena ali psylium in agaivn sirup, dobor premešajte. Chia semena dajo zrnasto strukturo, če tega ne želite raje uporabite psylium. Postavite na stran in pripravite marcipan.
- Najprej v posodici zmešate agavin sirup, matcha čaj v prahu in (ali) koprive v prahu, da dobite enakometno pasto brez grudic. V sekljalniku zmeljite olupljene mandlje, pazite, da ne meljete predolgo, da se ne izloči maščoba. Mandlje sem prirpavila sama, namočila sem jih, olupila in nato posušila v pečici na najnižji temperaturi. Med mletjem dodajte še mleti kokos, da dobite moki podobno teksturo. Nato ji dodajajte še pasto iz agavinega sirupa in matche. Masa se bo med mešanjem strnila v kroglo takrat jo vzaite iz sekljalnika in spravite za kasneje.
- Sedaj se je smetana v zamrzvalniku dovolj strdila, da na njo lakoh nanesete tanko plast marmelade, ki ste jo pripravili postaivte nazaj v zamrzovalnik, ostalo marmelado pa shranite za kasneje.
- Pripravite vanilijevo kremo. Odcedite in sperite oreščke in jih stresite v bledner. Dodajte vodo, agavin sirup sol in limonin sok, vanilijevo sredico in kurkumo. Dobro zmeljite, da dobite gladko maso brez grudic. Poskusite in dodajte sol ali agavin sirup po okusu. Nad paro stopite kokosovo olje in ga nato med mletjem počasi vlivajte v maso. Tako dobpljeno vanilijevo kremo prelijte na smetano in marmelado in postaivte nazaj v zamrzovalnik.
- Priravite še “biskvit”. V sekljalniku zmeljite najprej kosmiče in oreščke, da dobite moki podobno zmes, nato dodate sol, vanilijo in agavin sirup in olje. Dobro zmeljite. Če se masa ne sprijema, ji po žličkah dodajte vodo, da se začne sprijemati. Obod za torto (približno 23cm) obložite s peki papirjem in prenesite maso iz sekljalnika. S prsti enakomreno razporedite maso. Postavite v zamrzovalnik za 10 minut, med tem preverite, če se je vanilijeva krema strdila dovolj, da lakho nanjo rapzoredite še preostanek marmelade. Na vrh nato položite biskvit in nežno pritisnite, da se plasti lepo sprimejo.Če nimate oboda za torto, lahko počakate, da se vanilijeva krema v zamrzovalniku toliko strdi, da nanjo nanesete preostanek marmelade in nato lahko “biskvit” nanesete in oblikujete direktno kar na torto.
- Vse skupaj postavite nazaj v zamrzovalnik za vsaj 3 ure, da se torta popolnoma strdi.
- Ko je torta dovolj čvrsta jo prekucnite na pladenj, postavite nazaj v zamrzovalnik in razvaljajte marcipan. To naredite med dvema plastema peki papirja. Razvaljajte ga na približno 3-4 mm. Previdno ga nanesite čez torto in ga z rokami nežno pritisite ob torto. S prsti ga postisnite ob rob torte, vošek pa obrežete. Iz njega lahko oblikujete vrtnice.
- Za okras lakho uporabite sveže sadje, liofilizirano, tako kot sem ga sama. Posujete jo lahko z liofiliziranim sadjem v praju, stopite čokolado in z narišete ornamente,…saj veste, domiljija nima meja 🙂
Recept, izvedba in fotografija: Tina Teršek
Presni temni ekološki agavin sirup, drobTinka, 500 ml7,15 € vklj. DDV
Presni ekološki ribani kokos, drobTinka, 160 g2,95 € vklj. DDV
Ekološki ovseni kosmiči, drobTinka, 270 g2,99 € vklj. DDV
Presno ekološko kokosovo olje, drobTinka, 260 g5,09 € vklj. DDV
Nerafinirana himalajska mleta sol, drobTinka, 230 g1,99 € vklj. DDV
Presna ekološka chia semena, drobTinka, 230 g5,35 € vklj. DDV
I tackled this cake with a little “respect” because the original performances are tackled by top chefs, and besides, I’ve never made cakes to “dress” like I do with Swedish Princess Cake or in the original Swedish Princess Cake. In the end, I must add that it is no more complicated to prepare than for other fresh cakes, so do not think that you would not succeed 🙂
Like I said, I was procrastinating for quite some time with the decision to start making this cake but and my husband’s birthday was a great opportunity to finally shake up, roll up my sleeves and prepare a cake that is dressed in marzipan dough and is after taste pure terna for my husband. He himself hinted that he would be very happy if I finally made some of my fresh cakes again, which, I admit, have been on the sidelines for some time.
For the cream:
- 1 can of whole coconut milk
- 1/4 vanilla pod (core)
- 2 teaspoons dark agave syrup
For vanila cream:
- 200 g of cashew nuts,which should be soaked in warm water for at least 1 hour, preferably overnight 1/2
- vanilla bean (core)
- 4 tablespoons dark agave syrup (or to taste)
- knife tip turmeric powder
- 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
- 100 g of coconut oil melted over steam
- a pinch of unrefined Himalayan salt about
- 1 dcl of water
For strawberry jam, you can also prepare raspberry if desired, which will give the cake an even more refreshing taste:
- 200 g strawberries or raspberries (can be frozen, but thaw before use)
- 2 tablespoons chia seeds or
- 1 tablespoon psylium (Indian tropotca)
- 1 teaspoon dark agave syrup
For the “biscuit”
- 100 g gluten-free oatmeal
- 100 g almonds
- 2 tablespoons dark agave syrup
- a pinch of unrefined Himalayan salt
- 1/4 vanilla pod (core)
- teaspoon of coconut oil
For marzipan:
- 200 g of peeled almonds, or soak them overnight and peel and sprinkle yourself. Do this 1 day before preparing the cake or as long as the almonds need to dry.
- 50 g of grated coconut
- 2 teaspoons matcha powder
- 1 teaspoon nettle powder (optional)
- 6 tablespoons dark agave syrup
- The cake is made from top to bottom so you need a dome-shaped dish or cake model. Cover it with a plastis food wrap, then start to prepare a cream.
- Take a can of a chilled coconut cream and pur of the water from the can. Whip the cream with electirc wisk and make t smooth and fluffy. It will work best if you place the bowl of cream in the freezer for 10 minutes before mixing so the cream won’t melt too quickly. Pour the whipped coconut cream into a lined bowl, this will be the first layer of the cake. Put it all together in the freezer and start making the jam.
- With a fork mash strawberries or raspberries and add chia seeds or psylium and agaivn syrup, mix well. Chia seeds give a granular structure, if you do not want to use psylium. Set aside and prepare the marzipan.
- First mix agave syrip matcha tea powder and (or) nettle powder in a bowl to get an even lump-free paste. Grind peeled almonds in a chopper, being careful not to grind for too long so that no fat is removed. I prepared the almonds myself, soaked them, peeled them and then dried them in the oven at the lowest temperature. While grinding, add more ground coconut to get a flour-like texture. Thrn add agave syrup and matcha paste to it. The mass will condense into a ball while mixing, then zake it out of the coppr and store it fr latter.
- Now the cream has hardened enough in the freezer to easily apply a thin layer of the jam you prepared, put it back in the freezer and save the rest of the jam for later.
- Prepare vanilla cream. Drain and rinse the nuts and shake them in a blender. Add water, agave syrup salt and lemon juice, vanilla core and turmeric. Grind well to get a smooth mass without lumps. Try and add salt or agave syrup to taste. Melt the coconut oil over the steam and then slowly pour it into the mass while grinding. Pour the vanilla cream over the cream and jam and put it back in the freezer.
- Make another “biscuit”. In a food processor, grind the flakes and nuts first to get a flour-like mixture, then add salt, vanilla and agave syrup and oil. Grind well. If the mass does not stick, add water by spoonfuls to make it stick. Line the cake model (approx. 23cm) with baking paper and transfer the mass from the chopper. Spread the mass evenly with your fingers. Place in the freezer for 10 minutes, during which time check that the vanilla cream has hardened enough to spread the rest of the jam on it. Then place the biscuit on top and gently press to make the layers stick together. If you don’t have a cake model, you can wait for the vanilla cream in the freezer to harden enough to apply the rest of the jam and then you can apply and shape the biscuit directly onto the cake.
- Put everything back in the freezer for at least 3 hours to allow the cake to harden completely.
- When the cake is firm is firm enough, tip it on a tray, put it back in the freezer and roll out the marzipan. Do this between two layers of baking paper. Roll it out to about 3-4 mm. Carefully apply it over the cake and press it gently against the cake with your hands. Squeeze it with your fingers along the edge of the cake and trim the wax. You can make roses out of it.
- For the decoration you can use fresh fruit, lyophilized, just like I did myself. You can sprinkle it with lyophilized fruit powder, melt chocolate and draw ornaments, melt chocolate and draw ornaments, …
Author of the recipe and photo: Tina Teršek