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Hrustljavi čoko chia puding

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Hrustljav čokoladni chia puding je kremast v sredini in hrustljav na vrhu. Super preprost za pripraviti in presenetljivo okusen. Poskusi!

Všeč mi je, da lahko v 15 minutah naredite ogromno porcijo, jo razdelite ga na majhne porcije, postavite v hladilnik in ste že gotovi! Hrustljav čokoladni chia puding zdrži v hladilniku do 5 dni. Stavim, da bo iz vašega hladilnika izginil že pred 3. dnevom. Ne gre samo za sladico, hrustljav čokoladni chia puding lahko uživate kot zajtrk, kot prigrizek, ga vzamete v službo, spakirajte v šolo za svoje otroke, ga dobite za večerjo, kar želite.

Granola je pomembna! Za ta hrustljavi zalogaj boste resnično potrebovali nekaj zdrave granole. Lahko jo enostavno kupite ali celo naredite sami. Ni pa vsaka čokoladna granola dobra. Številne, ki so na voljo v trgovinah imajo tone rafiniranega sladkorja in niso posebej zdrave (čeprav naj bi bile, ja). Obožujem visoko kakovostno hrano, saj se v mojih jedeh neizmerno izkaže. Granola ni nobena izjema, morda je celo ena od tistih živil, za katere velja pravilo – kakovostna ali pa sploh nobena. drobTinka je tista blagovna znamka, ki ji resnično zaupam in jo ljubim. Njihova kakovost je nesporna. Moja presn agranola je brez sladkorja, brez oreščkov, brez dodatkov, veganska, presna. Ročno jih izdelujeta Tinka in Grega. 

Kakovost nad količino

To vam govorim, ker verjamem, da je kakovostna hrana enaka kakovostnemu življenju. Verjamem, da si vsi zaslužijo kakovostno življenje. Vsak mora tudi jesti, zato jesti dobro. Začnite s hrano.

Ne pravim, da je ta granola edina dobra granola na svetu, ampak pravim, da jo morate poskusiti. Tukaj najdete svoj zavojček.

Če še vedno niste prepričani, naj vam povem nekaj o tem hrustljavem čokoladnem chia pudingu.

Ta recept je neverjeten, saj je:     

  • bogat
  • čokoladen
  • hrustljav
  • presenetljivo
  • večplasten

Preizkusite ga in se odločite sami!

Za recept potrebujete:

Navodila za pripravo:

  • Presni kakav v prahu dajte v lonec. Dodajte malo vode, ravno toliko, da pokrije kakav. Dobro ga zmešajte z metlico ali žlico, da dobite gosto kremasto tekočino. Pazite, da ni grudic, zato jih z žlico stisnite ob steno lonca.
  • Dodamo preostalo vodo in dobro premešamo. Dodamo še agavin sirup, cimet in kardamom. Dobro premešajte. Nato v lonec dodate še ovsen napitek in dobro premešajte.
  • Na koncu dajte chia semena in jih vmešajte. Pustite vreti približno 5 minut, nato še malo premešajte. Odstavite in pustite da se sestavine povežejo ​​še 5 minut in jih spet premešate.
  • Chia puding nadevajte v steklene kozarce, skodelice, karkoli boste uporabili za serviranje. 3-4 žlice pudinga na porcijo bo ravno prav.
  • Kozarce s pudingom postavite v hladilnik vsaj za eno uro. Preden postrežete, posujte puding z nekaj Moje presne granole Hud kakav, za hrustljavost in še več kakavovega okusa. Na vrhu postrezite hladno s svežo granolo.

Recept in fotografija: Vita iz Little Kitchen Vibes


Crunchy Chocolate Chia Pudding

Crunchy chocolate chia pudding is creamy on the bottom and crunchy on the top. Super simple to make and surprisingly delicious. Give it a try!

What I love about it is that you can make a huge portion in 15 minutes. You distribute it into small portions, pop it into the fridge and you’re good to go!

Crunchy chocolate chia pudding lasts in the fridge up to 5 days. I bet it won’t make it to day 3.

It’s not just a dessert though, you can have crunchy chocolate chia pudding as a filling breakfast, as a snack, take it to work, pack it for school for your kids, have it for dinner, you name it.

Granola matters!

You will indeed need some nice healthy granola for that crunchy bite. You can easily buy it or even make it yourself.

Not every chocolate granola is good though. Many store-bought ones have tons of sugar and are not particularly healthy (although they were supposed to be, yes).

I love high quality food, because it shows in my dishes immensely. Granola is no exception, it might even be one of those foods that are a rule – high quality or none at all.

Drobtinka is the one brand I truly trust and love. Their quality is indisputable. No sugar, no nuts, no additives, vegan, raw. Hand-made by Tinka and Grega themselves(scroll down to read more about them).

Quality over quantity

I’m telling you this because I believe that quality food equals quality life. I believe that everyone deserves a quality life. Everyone also needs to eat, so eat well. Start with the food.

I’m not saying this granola is the only good granola in the world, but I am saying you should try it. You can get your own pack right here.

In case you’re still not sure, let me tell you a little something about this crunchy chocolate chia pudding.

This recipe is amazing, because it is:
  • rich
  • chocolate
  • crunchy
  • surprising
  • layered

Don’t trust what I say. Make it and decide for yourself!



  • Put raw cocoa powder into a pot. Add a bit of water, just enough to cover the cocoa. Mix it well with a whisk or a spoon so you get a thick creamy liquid. You don’t want any dry chunks of cocoa in there so tear them apart using a spoon and pressing them against the wall of the pot.
  • Add the rest of the water and stir well. Pour in agave syrup and add cinnamon and cardamom. Stirwell. Then pour mylk into the pot as well in stir it in.
  • At the end put in chia seeds and stir them in. Let them sit for about 5 minutes, then give them another stir. Let them rest for another 5 minutes and stir them again.
  • Transfer your thick chia pudding into glass jars or glasses or cups or bowls, whatever you’ll use for serving. I usually use 3-4 tbsp of pudding per serving.
  • Put them into the fridge for at least one hour. Before serving, add some Raw Granola Cool Cocoa on top for that crunch and more cocoa taste. Serve cold with fresh granola on top.

Recipe and photograpy by: Vita from Little Kitchen Vibes


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Tina Drobtinka
Tina Drobtinka

Tina drobTinka je ustvarjalka presnih sladic, avtorica številnih receptov, ustanoviteljica in idejni vodja blagovne znamke drobTinka in ljubiteljica narave in z njo povezanih bitij.

Objav: 181