
V košarici ni izdelkov.

Energijske vitaminske palčke

For all my English speaking readers, just scroll down, you will find recipe in English too.

Ker moji hčeri nista ljubiteljici kruha, jima večkrat pripravim ploščice. Prav pridjeo kadar gresta na izlet ali na nastop. Ker je spet čas raznih viroz pa recept delim tudi z vami. Palčke so brez glutena in oreščkov, in med drugim tudi inkovske jagode, ki so polne C vitamina.

Za približno 14 palčk potrebujemo:

Fige/datlje in inkovske jagode namakamo približno 30 minut v topli vodi, da se dobro zmehčajo. Nato vse sestavine zmeljemo v sekljalniku z »S« rezilom. Tako pripravljena masa se mora sprijeti, ko jo stisnemo s prsti. Pazimo, da ne meljemo predolgo, da se ne izloči olje.

Manjši pekač (premera približno 15x15cm) obložimo s peki papirjem in maso s pritiskanjem položimo ob dno. Vse skupaj postavimo v hladilnik za približno 30 minut, da se masa malo strdi. Tako strjeno maso lažje razrežemo.

Ko se masa strdi, jo vzamemo iz pekača in jo razrežemo na palčke (približno 5x2cm). Če imamo dehidrator palčke položimo na podlago in najprej dehidriramo 1-2 uri pri temperaturi 62°C. S tem spodbudimo delovanje encimov, potem pa zmanjšamo temperaturo na 42°C in dehidriramo 24 ur. Dehidrirane palčke hranimo v zaprti posodi na sobni temperaturi približno 1 teden, v hladilniku približno 14 dni ali v zamrzovalniku do enega meseca.
Če nimamo dehidratorja, lahko palčke uživamo sveže. Shranimo jih v dobro zaprti posodi v hladilniku približno 14 dni, ali v zamrzovalniku do enega meseca.

Ali ste vedeli?

Inkovske jagode so bogate z beta-karotenom, vitaminom C, tiaminom, niacinom, fosforjem in beljakovinami (vsebujejo 16 % beljakovin, zaradi česar prekašajo celo goji jagode, ki sicer veljajo za enega najbogatejših virov beljakovin). Te zlate jagode imajo blag odvajalni učinek, zato lahko tudi z njihovo pomočjo poskrbimo za zdravo in redno prebavo. Ker vsebujejo veliko vitamina C z njihovim uživanjem pomagamo pri krepitvi imunskega sistema. Inkovske jagode so eden najboljših virov prehranskih vlaknin. Vsebujejo na primer več vlaknin kot slive, borovnice, rozine in marelice. Uživanje inkovskih jagod pozitivno vpliva tudi na raven energije v telesu – tako telesne kot mentalne.

Recept in fotografija: Tina Teršek


Energy vitamin sticks


Since my daughters are not bread fans, I prepare bars for them many times. It’s a good idea when you go on a trip or a  dance preformance performance, like my daughters do.

Since it’s time for various viruses again, I’m sharing the recipe with you.

The bars stiks are gluten and nut free, and including Inca berries, which are full of vitamin C.


For about 14 sticks we need:

Soak figs / dates and Inca berries in warm water for about 30 minutes to soften them well. Then grind all the ingredients in a mincer with an “S” blade. The mass thus prepared must adhere when squeezed with your fingers. Be careful not to grind for too long so that the oil does not separate.

Line a small baking dish (diameter approx. 15x15cm) with baking paper and place the dough against the bottom by pressing with your fongers. Place everything together in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes to allow the mass to harden a bit. This hardened mass and it is easier to cut then.

When the mass hardens, take it out of the baking dish and cut it into sticks (about 5x2cm). If you have a dehydrator, place the sticks on the trays and first dehydrate for 1-2 hours at a temperature of 62 ° C. This stimulates the action of enzymes, then reduces the temperature to 42 ° C and dehydrates for 24 hours. Dehydrated sticks can be stored in a sealed container at room temperature for about 1 week, in the refrigerator for about 14 days, or in the freezer for up to one month.

If we do not have a dehydrator, we can eat the sticks fresh. Store them in a well-sealed container in the refrigerator for about 14 days, or in the freezer for up to a month.

Did you know?

Inca berries are rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C, thiamine, niacin, phosphorus and protein (they contain 16% protein, which surpasses even goji berries, which are otherwise considered one of the richest sources of protein). These golden berries have a mild laxative effect, so we can also use them to ensure a healthy and regular digestion. Because they contain a lot of vitamin C, consuming them helps to strengthen the immune system. Inca strawberries are one of the best sources of dietary fiber. For example, they contain more fiber than plums, blueberries, raisins and apricots. Eating Inca strawberries also has a positive effect on the energy level in the body – both physical and mental.

Recipe and photography made by: Tina Teršek

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Tina Drobtinka
Tina Drobtinka

Tina drobTinka je ustvarjalka presnih sladic, avtorica številnih receptov, ustanoviteljica in idejni vodja blagovne znamke drobTinka in ljubiteljica narave in z njo povezanih bitij.

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