Čokoladne kroglice z brusnicami in kosmiči iz zemeljskih mandljev
For all my English speaking readers, just scroll down, you will find recipe in English too.
Spet kroglice! Če pa je priprava tako enstavna in hitra, pa še sestavin ne potrebuješ veliko. 😉
Tokrat se ne bom razpisala, ker je tudi recept hiter in kroglice tako dobre, da se mi mudi še malo posladkati z njimi, ker bodo sicer prej izginile! Sem pa tako navdušena nad njimi, da sem morala recept takoj deliti tudi z vami.
- za te kroglice potrebuješ pravzaprav le 5 sestavin!
- so tako odlične, da kmalu potrebno ponoviti vajo 🙂
- bodo razveselile tako dorasle kot otroke
- so kremaste in okusi se tako lepo povezujejo
- hito jih prirpavimo in hitro tudi izginejo 😉
Masa za kroglice:
Za čokoladni premaz:
- 80 g kokosovega olja (stopljenega)
- 50 g kakava v prahu
- 30 ml temnega agavinega sirupa (ali po okusu)
Kosmiče iz zemeljskih mandljev in brusnice (mimogrede drobTinkine so reeees, tako dobre, da se jim med pripravo ne moreš upreti in jih kradeš iz posodice in potem dodajaš nazaj v posodico pripravljeno za recept :))) Torej, kosmiče in brusnice zmelješ v sekljalniku, če je masa presuha lahko dodaš malo vode, ampak pri mojem poskusi teg ani bilo potrebno. Dobljeno maso z rokami oblikuješ v kroglice, velikost je tvoja izbira, jaz delam približno velikost kostanja. Kroglice postaviš v hladilnik, lahko tudi v zamrzovalnik.
Med tem v sekljalniku zmelješ še stopljeno kokosovo olje, kakav v prahu in agavin sirup, občasno postrgaš kar se je nabralo na robovih, masa mora biti gladka in brez grudic. Meni nikoli ne uspe, da ne bi polizala žličke ali dve, med tem ko pripravljam ganache oziroma premaz 😀
Ohlajene kroglice potem namakaš v ta namaz in odlagaš na desko, obloženo s peki papirjem. Pa kakšna bo kar mimo grede izginila, prisežem!
Če želite narediti kroglice še malo nadgraditi, jim lahko dodate še malo naribane lupinice ekološke pomaranče in drobljena kakavova zrna 😉
Recept in fotografija: Tina Teršek
Presni ekološki kosmiči iz zemeljskih mandljev, drobTinka, 300 g4,60 € vklj. DDV
Presni temni ekološki agavin sirup, drobTinka, 500 ml7,15 € vklj. DDV
Presno ekološko kokosovo olje, drobTinka, 260 g5,09 € vklj. DDV
Presni, ekološki kakav v prahu, drobTinka, 180 g5,60 € vklj. DDV
Ekološke brusnice , drobTinka, 170 g6,13 € vklj. DDV
Chocolate balls with cranberries and tiger nut fakes
Balls again! They are so easy to prepare and you don’t need many ingredients eather. 😉
I won’t be long this time, because the recipe is also quick and the balls are so good that I’m in a hurry to go and sweeten with them some more, otherwise they will disappear sooner, you see I am not alone in this house! However, I am so excited about them that I had to share the recipe with you right away.
You actually only need 5 ingredients for these balls!
Ball mass:
- 70 g of tiger nut flakes
- 120 g of dried cranberries
For chocolate coating (ganache)
- 80 g coconut oil (melted)
- 50 g cocoa powder
- 30 ml dark agave syrup (or to taste)
Tugernut flakes and cranberries (by the way, drobTinka’s are sooo good, you can’t resist snicking them during the preparation and then add them back to the bowl to prepare further the recipe :))) So, grind the flakes and cranberries in a mincer, if the mass is too dry you can add a little water, but in my case it wasn’t needed.
Then shape the mass into balls with your hands, the size is your choice, I did about the size of a chestnut. Then put them in the fridge, you can also put them in the freezer.
Meanwhile, grind melted coconut oil, cocoa powder and agave syrup in a mincer, occasionally scraping what has accumulated on the edges, the mass must be smooth and without lumps. I never manage not to lick a teaspoon or two while preparing ganache or coating: D
The cooled balls soake in this gourges spread and placed them on a board lined with baking paper. And some balls will disappear just between preparation, I swear!
If you want to upgrade the balls a bit more, you can add a pinch of grated organic orange peel and crushed cocoa beans;)
Recipe and photography made by: Tina Teršek