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Veganska čokoladica “Twix” s karamelo iz datljev

For all my English speaking readers, just scroll down, you will find recipe in English too.

Ne morem opisati kako obožujem to neverjetno vegansko twix čokoladico z datljevo karamelo. Poleg tega, da je v primerjavi s klasičnim precej zdrav, je tudi super okusen.

V srednji šoli je bilo določeno obdobje, ko sem bila nora na Twix. Mislim, da je bil najboljši trenutek mojega dne, ko sem si privoščila tisto karamelo in piškot. Čokolada je bila samo plus.


Ker veganskega twiksa v trgovinah ni, sem ga morala narediti po svoje. Že nekaj časa delam na tem receptu. Moram priznati, da mi je ukradel srce.

Twix = za življenje

Verjamem, da moje raziskovanje z twixa še zdaleč ni končano. Mislim, obstaja toliko drugih možnosti za preizkus! A najprej se osredotočimo na ta slasten veganski twix z datljevo karamelo.

Popolnoma sem obsedena z njim. Zato ker:

  • Popolno ravnovesje med zdravim in nezdravim
  • Je veganska – super samo zaradi tega
  • Jij je veliko lažje pripraviti, kot se zdi
  • Ni preveč sladko, a vseeno dovolj sladko
  • Zemeljski mandlji jim dajejo posebno hrustljavost in okus
Je veganski twix s slano karamelo vreden omembe?

Hudiča, da je! Moram pa vam dati nekaj napotkov. To vam bo pomagalo narediti popoln veganski twix z datljevo karamelo. Obljubim, da jih bodo vsi imeli radi.

  1. Običajno piškote in karamelo pripravim zvečer, nato pa jih dokončam naslednje jutro. Tako lahko resnično poskrbim, da se piškoti pravilno ohladijo in da je karamela hladna in gosta.
  2. V primeru, da to karamelo pripravljate v blenderju za pripravo smutijev, priporočam, da uporabite tudi sekljalnik. Poskušala sem ga narediti samo z blenderjem, vendar nisem bila popolno zadovoljna z rezultaom. Šele po uporabi sekljalnika je dobil konsistenco, ki sem jo želela dobiti. Datlji morajo biti popolnoma zmehčani – v vaši karameli ne sme biti nobenih kosov.
  3. Moka iz zemeljskih mandljev: morda jo je težko dobiti v vašem mestu. Naročite jo lahko tukaj kjer najdete še mnogo drugih odličnih sestavin, kot so temni agavin sirup , mehke datlje in odlične granole!
  4. Moko iz zemeljskih mandljev lahko nadomestite tudi z mandljevo ali lešnikovo, vendar tega nisem storila, zato vam ne morem obljubiti enakih rezultatov.
  5. Piškoti so lahko zelo lahki in drobljivi. Priporočam, da z njimi ravnate nežno. Nekateri se bodo morda vseeno zlomili, zato ne skrbite preveč.
  6. Slana karamela? Da, prosim! To je zelo enostavno narediti: preprosto vzemite malo soli in jo potresite po karameli, ko jo nanesete na piškote. Prelijte s čokolado in končano!

Če pogrešate tisto čudovito karamelo in hrustljav piškot, je to pravi recept za vas. Veganskega twixa, narejenega iz zdrave karamele iz datljev ni bilo nikoli tako enostavno narediti!

Datljeva karamela


  1. V skledo damo moko, moko zemeljskih mandljev, sol in sladkor  in zmešajte. Dodamo hladno kokosovo olje in vanilijevo esenco. Gnetemo, da ustvarimo grudasto testo. Dodajte ledeno mrzlo vodo po 1 žlico naenkrat, da dobite gladko kroglico testa, ki spominja na testo s skorjo.
  2. Pomokajte nekaj čiste površine ali uporabite list peki papirja. Na to položite kroglico testa in jo razvaljajte. Poskusite jo razviti v pravokotno obliko, čeprav ne boste mogli narediti popolnega pravokotnika. Naj bo debel 3-5 mm.
  3. Narežite ga na trakove, ki so široke približno 1,5 cm in dolge 8 cm. Nato jih nežno premaknite v pekač, obložen s peki papirjem. Prepričajte se, da se ne dotikajo drug drugega.
  4. Pečemo jih pri 180 ° C približno 8-10 minut. Pazite nanje, da s ene zapečejo preveč, ob robovih naj rahlo porjavijo.
  5. Ko so pečeni, jih premaknite na rešetko in pustite, da se popolnoma ohladijo. Vsaj 2-3 ure.

Datljeva karamela

  1. Vse sestavine dajte v mešalnik.
  2. Prepričajte se, da dobite gladko mešanico, trajalo bo nekaj minut, zato bodite potrpežljivi.
  3. Maso prestavite v steklen kozarec in ga za nekaj ur postavite v hladilnik.

Čokoladni preliv

  1. Stopite čokolado s kokosovim oljem nad parno kopeljo tik preden premažete piškote za twix.

Sestavljanje palic

  1. Ko se piškoti in karamela ohladijo in so pripravljeni za nadaljnji postopek, je čas, da naredite zadnji del priprave twixa! Vzemite nož in na piškot namažite karamelo – eno za drugo. Všeč mi je nekoliko debelejši nanos, vendar lahko s svojimi naredite tako, kot vam je najbolj všeč.
  2. V tem času nad parno kopeljo stopite čokolado in kokosovo olje. Ko so vsi piškoti pokriti s karamelo, vzemite stopljeno čokolado in žlico. Piškote twix pustite na mrežici, rahlo dvignjene od podlage. Sedaj jih prelijte s čokolado.
  3. Očitno je, da so mi všeč domači z nekaj čokolade, ki kaplja po straneh in podobno. Na vas je, da jih naredite takšne, kot si želite.
  4. Toplo priporočam, da jih po približno 15 minutah, ko odvečna čokolada odteče, postavite v zamrzovalnik. Neverjetni bodo. Tudi hladilnik bi moral biti v redu, vendar jih ne bo tako hitro ohladil kot zamrzovalnik. Prav tako so neverjetni, ko so super hladni.

Recept in fotografije je pripravila: Vita iz Little Kitchen Vibes 


Vegan Twix with Date Caramel

I can’t explain my adoration for this incredible vegan twix with date caramel. Apart from the fact that it’s pretty healthy compared to the classic one, it’s also super tasty.In high school there was a certain period of time when I was crazy about twix. I think the best moment of my day was when I indulged in that caramel and biscuit. Chocolate was just a plus.

Because there is no such thing as vegan twix in the stores, I had to make my own. I’ve been working on this recipe for quite some time. Gotta admit it stole my heart.

Twix = for life

I believe my twix journey is far from being over. I mean, there are so many other options to try out!

But let’s focus on this delicious vegan twix with date caramel first.

I can’t explain my adoration for this incredible vegan twix with date caramel. Apart from the fact that it’s pretty healthy compared to the classic one, it’s also super tasty.

In high school there was a certain period of time when I was crazy about twix. I think the best moment of my day was when I indulged in that caramel and biscuit. Chocolate was just a plus.

I’m totally obsessed with it. Here’s why:

  • A perfect balance between healthy and unhealthy
  • It’s vegan – great just because of that
  • This is way easier to prepare than it seems
  • It’s not too sweet, but still sweet enough
  • Tigernut gives it a special crunch and taste

Is vegan twix with salted caramel a thing?

Heck yes, it is! But I’ve got to give you a little guidance with a few more things as well. This will help you make perfect vegan twix with date caramel. I promise everyone will love them.

  1. I usually prepare the biscuits and caramel in the evening and then finish it the next morning. This way I can really make sure that biscuits are cooled down properly and that caramel is cold and thick.
  2. In case you’re making this caramel in a smoothie-maker, I recommend you use a hand-blender too. I tried making it only with a smoothie-maker, but it doesn’t come together well enough. Only after using a hand-blender, it got the consistency I wanted to get. Dates need to be totally blended – no pieces should be left in your caramel.
  3. Tigernut flour: maybe it’s hard to get it in your town. You can order it here – Drobtinka is my favorite brand and they also have the best agave syrup I have ever tried. Check them out, they have a bunch of other stuff as well like soft dates and coconut sugar and granola!
  4. You can try to supplement tigernut with almonds or hazelnuts, but I haven’t done that so I can’t promise you the same results.
  5. Biscuits can be very light and crumbly. I recommend you handle them gently. Some of them might break anyway so don’t worry too much.
  6. Salted caramel? Yes, please! It’s super easy to do this: simply take a bit of salt and sprinkle it over caramel once it’s applied to biscuits. Cover with chocolate and it’s done!

I wish you great baking and awesome making! I’d love to hear your thoughts on this vegan twix with date caramel recipe, so let me know how it goes!

When missing that gorgeous caramel and crunchy biscuit, this is the right recipe for you. Vegan twix made with healthy date caramel was never so easy to make!

  • 1 cup wholemeal spelt flour
  • ½ cup tigernut flour
  • 3 tbsp brown sugar
  • ½ cup coconut oil cold
  • ½ tsp vanilla essence
  • 1 pinch salt
  • ice-cold water
Date Caramel
  • 150 g pitted dates soft
  • 150 g coconut milk full fat from the can
  • 20 g agave syrup
  • 1 tsp salt
Chocolate Coating
  • 200 g dark chocolate 70% or more
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Put flour, tigernut, salt and sugar to a bowl and give it a whisk. Add cold coconut oil and vanilla essence. Knead to create a crumbling texture. Add ice-cold water 1 tbsp at a time to get a smooth ball of dough resembling pie-crust dough.
  • Flour some clean surface or use a sheet of parchment paper. Put a ball of dough onto it and roll it out. Try to roll it out into a rectangular shape, although you won’t be able to make a perfect rectangle. Make it 3-5 mm thick.
  • Cut that into stripes that are about 1.5 cm wide and 8 cm long. Then gently move them to a baking try lined with parchment paper. Make sure they’re not touching each other.
  • Bake them at 180°C for about 8-10 minutes. Keep an eye on them, you want them slightly brown on the edges.
  • Once baked, move them to a rack and let them cool down completely. I leave them over-night, but 2-3 hours should do.
Date Caramel
  • Put all of the ingredients into a blender.
  • Make sure you get a smooth blend, it should take a few minutes so be patient.
  • Move it to a glass jar and put it to the fridge for a few hours.
Chocolate Coating
  • Melt chocolate with coconut oil over steam bath right before coating your twix bars.
Putting bars together
  • Once biscuits and caramel are all cooled down and ready to use, it’s time to make the final twix! Take a knife and spread some caramel on the biscuit – one by one. I like it a bit thicker, but you can do your own thing the way you like it best.
  • In the meantime, melt chocolate and coconut oil over steam bath.
  • After all the biscuits are covered in caramel, take melted chocolate and a spoon. Make sure twix bars are still on the cooling rack, slightly lifted up. Now cover your bars with chocolate.
  • I like them obviously homemade with some chocolate dripping down the sides and such. It’s up to you to make them the way you want them.
  • I highly recommend you put them in the freezer after about 15 minutes when the excess chocolate drips off. They will be amazing. The fridge should be okay as well, but it won’t cool them down as quickly as the freezer. They are also amazing when super cold.

Recipe and photography made by: Vita from Little Kitchen Vibes

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Tina Drobtinka
Tina Drobtinka

Tina drobTinka je ustvarjalka presnih sladic, avtorica številnih receptov, ustanoviteljica in idejni vodja blagovne znamke drobTinka in ljubiteljica narave in z njo povezanih bitij.

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