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Piškotki s Tiger nut namazom

For all my English speaking readers, just scroll down, you will find recipe in English too.

Morda sem malo preveč razmišljala o piškotih. In v zadnjem času sem morda spekela tudi kup piškotov in ustvarila recept ali tri. Vse klasično, vendar ti opečeni piškoti s tiger nut namazom iz zemeljskih mandljev presegajo vse klasike in postanejo nova klasika.

Ne morem pomagati, obožujem piškote. Mislim, da so mi najbolj všeč. Napolnjene s kakšno kremo ali namazom zmažem v trenutku. Smešno, ne pečem jih prepogosto. Mogoče zato, ker velik del svojega študentskega življenja nisem imel prave pečice. Pred kratkim sem se preselila in dobila popolnoma novo kuhinjo IN novo pečico. Selila se ne bom prav kmalu in to pomeni samo eno: PEKA.

Zemeljski mandlji prodirajo.

V Sloveniji obstaja blagovna znamka Drobtinka. Oni so slovenskemu trgu predstavili zemeljske mandlje. Prav oni so tisti, zaradi katerih so se v moji kuhinji pojavili zemeljski mandlji. Njihova granola in drugi izdelki iz zemeljskih oreščkov so nori – tudi namaz, ki ga uporabljam v tem receptu. Pri teh oreščkih (ki niti niso pravi oreški) mi je všeč, da so naravno sladki in imajo kokosov okus z nekaj priokusa po mandljih. Čudovito. Ko smo začeli sodelovati, so mi poslali nekaj svojih izdelkov, med katerimi so bili moka iz zemeljskih mandljev in celi zemeljski mandlji. Enkrat sem jih poskusila namakati in še vedno ne morem verjeti, kako okusni so namočeni zemelsjki mandlji! Morate poskusiti, so kot majhne eksplozije okusa v ustih.

Ustvarjanje piškotkov z namazom Tiger Nut iz zemelsjkih mandljev

Nekaj ​​časa sem potrebovala, da sem ugotovila kaj vse lahko ustvarim iz zemeljskih mandljev v različnih oblikah – moka, oreški, namočeni, sesekljani … Te piškote sem ustvarila iz nič in nastali so… popolni. Pri zemelsjkih mandljih se mi zdi čudovito, da so super okusni in jih želite še naprej jesti, ampak ne gre, ker so tako nasitni! Tudi ti piškotki so takšni. Morda si mislite, da boste po prvem pojedli celo serijo, po tretjem pa boste začeli dvomiti v to.

Obožujem jih, ker:
  • so sladkasti sami posebi, zato ni treba dodajati preveč sladkorja
  • izgledajo super luštno
  • ‘oreščki’ med peko dobijo okus po pečnem
  • so okusni, a nasitni piškoti
  • so lahko tudi zdrav prigrizek in to tudi dokazujejo
Torej – ne izgubljajmo več časa, preizkusite recept in mi sporočite, kako so vam všeč!

Sestavine, ki jih potrebujete:

  1. Vse suhe sestavine daj v skledo in dobro premešaj z metlico.

2. Ohlajeno kokosovo maščobo nareži na majhne koščke in jih dodaj suhim sestavinam.

3. Dobro pregneti z rokami, da dobiš drobljenec. Dodaj rastlinsko mleko in še enkrat pregneti, da se drobljenec spremeni v mehko testo. Če je potrebno, dodaj še nekaj mleka.

4. Na pekač daj papir za peko. Vzemi nekaj testa (za oreh) in ga med dlanmi povaljaj v kroglico. Položi ga na pekač. S kazalcem pritisni v vrh kroglice, da se ta malo splošči in kazalec v vrhu pusti    vdolbinico. Isto ponovi še 25x oz. dokler ti ne zmanjka testa.

5. Preden piškote spečeš, v vsako vdolbinico dodaj namaz iz zemeljskih mandljev.


  6. Peci piškote na 180°C približno 15 minut oz. dokler niso zlato rjave barve. Čisto se bodo strdili šele, ko se bodo ohladili.
Recept in fotografije je pripravila: Vita iz Little Kitchen Vibes


Toasted Tigernut Thumbprint Cookies


I might have been thinking about cookies a little too much. I also might have baked a bunch of cookies lately and created a recipe or three. All classic, but these toasted tigernut thumbprint cookies go beyond all classics only to become a new classic.

Can’t help it, I love cookies. I think I like them the most. If filled with some cream I will finish them in a blink of an eye. Funny enough, I don’t bake them too often. Might be because I haven’t had a proper oven for a big part of my student life. I recently moved, we got a brand new kitchen AND a new oven. We are not moving too soon and this only means one thing: BAKING.

Tigernuts take over

There is a brand in Slovenia called Drobtinka. It was they who presented tigernuts to the Slovenian market. It was they who brought tigernuts into my kitchen. Their granola and other tiger nut products are insane – like the tigernut spread, I am using in this recipe. What I love about these nuts (that are not even real nuts) is that they are naturally sweet and have a coconut taste with some almond along the lines. It’s gorgeous.

Once we started working together they sent me some of their products, amongst which there were pure tiger nut flour and whole tiger nuts. I tried soaking them once and I still cannot believe how tasty soaked tiger nuts are! You need to try, they feel like little explosions in your mouth.

Creating toasted tigernut thumbprint cookies

It took me some time to think of the things I can create with tiger nuts in different forms – flour, nuts, soaked, chopped …

I’ve created toasted tigernut thumbprint cookies from scratch and they came out perfect. What I find wonderful about tiger nuts is that they are super delicious and you want to keep eating them, but you can’t because they are so filling! So are these cookies. You might think you’ll eat a whole batch after the first one, but after the third one, you’ll start rethinking your words.

I love them because:

  • tiger nuts bring in some sweetness so there’s no need for too much sugar
  • they look super cute
  • the ‘nuts’ get a toasty taste while baking
  • they are delicious yet filling
  • cookies can be a healthy snack too and these prove it right

Now – let’s not lose any more time, head to baking, and let me know how you like them!

  • Add all the dry ingredients into a bowl. Whisk well.
  • Cut cold coconut oil into small pieces and add them to the dry ingredients.
  • Knead with your hands until you get a crumbly texture. Add plant milk and knead so you get a soft and smooth ball of dough. If necessary, you can add more milk.
  • Line your baking tray with parchment paper. Take some dough in your hands and create a small ball the size of a walnut. Put it on the baking tray. Using your index finger, press a hole on the top of the little ball. Do the same with the remaining dough, creating about 25 balls with little holes on top.
  • Before you bake cookies, add a drop of tiger nut spread to each hole. You might have to bake the cookies in two parts.
  • Bake at 180°C for 15 minutes or until slightly golden on top. They will harden as they cool down.

Recipe and photography made by: Vita from Little Kitchen Vibes

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Tina Drobtinka
Tina Drobtinka

Tina drobTinka je ustvarjalka presnih sladic, avtorica številnih receptov, ustanoviteljica in idejni vodja blagovne znamke drobTinka in ljubiteljica narave in z njo povezanih bitij.

Objav: 169